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Birth Story Podcast

Jul 27, 2020

Heidi & HeHe sit down for an hour and chat all about the role of the doula and why HeHe started The Birth Lounge. What you can learn from this episode: How to seek out the best doula to fit your needs.

Jul 23, 2020

This episode is what happens when two birth geeks sit down and chat about birth stories. Meet Sam from the Carolina Doula Collective as she shares about her amazing births.

Jul 23, 2020

Heidi catches up with Sam from The Carolina Doula Collective about the state of birthing during COVID-19. Everything from last minute switches from hospital to home births to virtual doula services and everything in between. These two power doulas share all of their best tips for a safe and successful birth despite the...

Jul 11, 2020

Today's episode is an episode SWAP from the amazing DIAH Podcast with hosts Matthew and Sarah Bivens

In today’s episode we chat with Melissa Rae Irish-Miller. I’m not even really sure with where to begin with this episode or what to tell you as far as the highlights...because there are too many!

Melissa is a...