Dec 19, 2024
Today Heidi interviewed Chelsea Skaggs, the founder of Postpartum Together, a coaching program for parents to continue to grow their relationship after having kids. Here is a little more about Chelsea Skaggs and this episode.
In Chelsea's words: "Having a baby creates a huge
shift in your relationship. More than half of couples report
decreased satisfaction in their marriage after having a baby, but
it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s no sugar coating that it’s
humbling and hard work to understand yourself and your partner in
the midst of such a big change but there are ways to become better
at communicating and connecting so that you’re more of a team
moving through the changes together."
3 Key takeaways from the podcast that listeners will learn today:
Point 1: You need to understand where you keep looping in arguments and why that’s happening
Point 2: Understand when you’re telling yourself a story and need to get accurate details from your partner
Point 3: Sex probably isn’t going to look the same as it did before, and that’s cool
3 Keywords that people would want to search when looking for content that you would provide in this episode:
Point 1: Relationship Coaching
Point 2: Sex after baby
Point 3: After kids
Favorite baby product or new motherhood product? What would you buy for someone who was currently pregnant or a new parent?:
Larken Nursing/Pumping bra (I still wear it 6 mo PP because it’s so cozy!)
Chelsea is a certified life and relationship coach who helps expecting and new parents to get out of the resentment and disconnect and build a relationship they are proud of so that they can enjoy the life they’ve built. She is a mom of two and her family lives in Central Ohio.
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I’m Heidi, a Certified Birth Doula, and I’ve supported the deliveries of over one thousand babies in my career. On the Birth Story Podcast, I’ll take you on a journey through your pregnancy by providing you education through storytelling. I provide high-level childbirth education broken down to make it super digestible for you because I know you are a busy parent on the go. Plus, because I am so passionate about birth outcomes, you will hear from many of the top experts in labor and delivery.
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