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Birth Story Podcast

Jan 7, 2025

3 Key takeaways from the podcast that listeners will learn today:

  •  craniosacral is very gentle and can be used on anyone, but especially babies very soon after birth, no matter if the birth was smooth, or traumatic

  • it can help with feeding (no matter how you feed your baby), sleep issues, tongue ties, and meeting developmental milestones

  • it’s never too late to start craniosacral treatments


Favorite baby product or new motherhood product? What would you buy for someone who was currently pregnant or a new parent?:

a craniosacral treatment!! This is a great way to help the body prepare for birth, and heal from the experience afterward. 


I’m Meaghan Beames, a Registered Massage Therapist, Craniosacral therapist. I’m trained in Rhythmic Movement, and Visceral Manipulation. I work with people of all ages, but specifically newborns and infants in Toronto, Canada. I teach health professionals around the world to do Infant Craniosacral Therapy through my school, Beames CST Training Centre.


Website: and

Instagram: @beamescst @mybabycst

Facebook Group:

YouTube Channel:


XOXO -Heids


We have seats available in Birth Story Academy. Join today for $20 off with code BIRTHSTORYFRIEND at




I’m Heidi, a Certified Birth Doula, and I’ve supported the deliveries of over one thousand parents in my career. On the Birth Story Podcast, I’ll take you on a journey through your pregnancy by providing you education through storytelling. I provide high-level childbirth education broken down to make it super digestible for you because I know you are a busy person on the go. Plus, because I am so passionate about birth outcomes, you will hear from many of the top experts in labor and delivery.

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